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My Philosophy (a draft):

I want my work to have context and spirit, with movements that challenge dancers to be their best selves and engage with the world around them. 

Things You'll See:

You will see references to many different styles of dance in my pieces. Whether I'm working with children or adults, you will see a conscious effort to introduce performers to a style of dance they haven't tried before. In doing so, I make sure to educate myself about these styles.


You will see joy in my choreography.  One of my big goals is to have fun in my work, not only in building the piece but also in how the dancers perform. 

Tools I Use:

My background in education helps me teach young people by being able to speak on their level. I demonstrate visually and verbally. I reference things from their PE and Math classes. 


I focus on the actor first. If the actor is not fully present and ready to engage with the material, it will show in the work. I check in and check out of each rehearsal in order to learn more about the actors and prepare them to work. 

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